Serving Northwestern WI
If you're a homeowner, you're entitled to options when it comes to your water source. Today, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, 15% of Americans utilize a residential well for their water needs. Residential wells were once only considered an option for those living far out in rural areas, but today, more and more people understand the advantages of having a home well. Here's a quick look at some of the many reasons our clients choose to invest in residential well drilling services.
Without a well, your household depends on a municipal water source to ensure clean, consistent water for your property. This water is provided for you through local infrastructure. Although these systems are reliable for the most part, when there is a problem, everyone is affected. If there's an issue, such as a water main break, everyone reliant on the municipal water system will be out of luck until the problem is fixed. There's also a higher chance of contamination if a pipe bursts or if there's a breakdown in the water treatment system. This could result in prolonged periods without water or prolonged periods of boiling water to make it potable.
If you talk to anyone who's had a residential well drilled, they'll be quick to tell you that well water just tastes better. One of the contributing factors to well water tasting better could be the fact that no additives are put into the water for purification purposes. Municipal water, as you may know, requires water treatment. This is the process of putting additives into the water to ensure that pathogens are neutralized. These additives may affect the taste of the water.
Another great benefit of having residential well drilling is that you won't be stuck with a monthly cost. Municipal water systems charge residents monthly water bills for the water they've used. Once you've paid for residential well drilling, you'll never be charged anything else for your water. Most wells require very little maintenance, but be sure to keep up on it in order to keep your well in good shape for years to come.
These are just a few of the benefits of having
residential well drilling on your property. If you're looking for qualified well drilling services in the Superior, WI area, please contact our team at DMB Drilling Co Inc today. We're here for all your residential well needs!
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